The updates of the regulations of cosmetics ingredients in the Greater China

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Due to their potent pharmacological effects even at low concentrations, the regulation of prostaglandin analogs in cosmetics has become a topic of increasing concern in Mainland China and Taiwan.

In June 2023, several analogs of prostaglandins used to treat glaucoma, which have the side effect of promoting eyelash growth, were officially announced by NMPA/SAMR to be prohibited as of March 2024. They are Bimatoprost, Latanoprost, Tafluprost, Tafluprost ethyl amide, and Travoprost.

Eyelash nourishing serums sold in Taiwan often contain ingredients such as amino acids, vitamins or essences. When applied to the roots of eyelashes, they are claimed to reduce shedding and indirectly make eyelashes thicker. However, there is currently no clear scientific evidence to confirm this effect.

Some prostaglandin analogs, such as Bimatoprost, are classified as pharmaceutical ingredients and are not allowed to be added to cosmetics. Moreover, products managed as cosmetics do not have the function of growing eyelashes. If cosmetics advertise or emphasize the effect of growing eyelashes, it violates the relevant provisions of the Cosmetics Hygiene and Safety Management Act. This had been stated by TFDA again in January 2024.

Learn more about:

NMPA/SAMR Cosmetics
Taiwan FDA Cosmetics