Self affirmed GRAS omitted from new NDI draft guidance
首先,魔鬼藏在细节里!这个细节很容易被忽略,在新的NDI指导书草案中,自我确认GRAS模式(self-affirmed GRAS)不再是选项。
通常原本成分被认定为GRAS,则不适用于NDI登录的要求。原指导书在2011年公布后,很多厂商(尤其是合成天然相似化合物synthetic nature-identical compounds)即以此捷径绕过FDA的审查。
Q:“Am I required to submit a NDI notification for a dietary ingredient that has been listed or affirmed by FDA as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for direct addition to food, self- affirmed as GRAS for direct addition to food, or approved as a direct food additive in the U.S.?
A:“No, as long as the direct food additive or GRAS substance has been used in the food supply and is to be used as a NDI without chemical alteration.
Q:“Am I required to submit an NDI notification for a dietary ingredient that is an NDI, but has been (a) listed or affirmed by FDA as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for direct addition to food or (b) approved as a direct food additive in the U.S.?
A:“No, as long as the following conditions are met. The direct food additive or GRAS substance (1) has been used in the food supply (i.e., in conventional foods) and (2) is to be used as a dietary ingredient without chemical alteration.”
显示其Q的部分已移除” self- affirmed as GRAS for direct addition to food”这段文字,根据美国法律公司专家解读,所谓的self- affirmed as GRAS是法律上不能改变的选项,但实务执行上,FDA很明显的不愿鼓励也不倾向这个捷径,因此在问答部分做出明显改变。